Monday, April 21, 2014


What a beautiful Monday I have woken up to. I treasure every day that does not have snow in it. It was a brutal winter here. I do need to clean the house and that is something I detest. I can always come up with something else to do. I would like to get in a walk today.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Here I Am!

Wow. Talk about a procrastinator. I have finally gotten out of the chair and started to do something about the albatross hanging around my neck; my weight. I have gotten out of blob mode. I first had to realize what was making me fat. Number 1 was the way I ate and the other was lack of exercise. So I joined a 5K training class and Weight Watchers. Let me tell you, neither is easy. It is a slow process. It physically hurts. But I am taking it one day at a time. I would love to hear from others who are suffering too.
By the way, Happy Easter!