Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Dad got through the surgery just great.

Dad made it through yesterday's surgery just fine. Except for when they tried to give him the spinal, which didn't work, and tried for an hour to get it in. I asked him if he hurt and he said "no" but said he had 6 or 8 holes in his back. I personally thought that would hurt. But that could just be me. He is a tough old dog.

Went to a meeting last night and ended up in the Big Book meeting. I always get nervous in an out-of-town meeting. I do let them know I am a guest. The meeting was about Bill's story; the part where he sees Ebby and says he got religion. I reflected on how I felt when I read Bill's story. Also about my spiritual experience.  Good meeting and a woman gave me her phone#. Isn't it amazing how AA works no matter where you go?  Man, I love this program!

I have to say, I am truly grateful for this weather while I am here.  Yesterday was rainy and 40 and I can honestly say I was glad it wasn't snowing and 10 degrees. Today should be in the high 50's. I love it! Can't wait for Dave and I to come down in April. I hate that he has to be back in Michigan while I am enjoying this fine weather. I will definitely get out today and get my walk in. I started my running program on Sunday but officially it starts today.

I can't; He can; I think I'll let Him.

"The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time." --Abraham Lincoln

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