Yin Yang, in it's simplicity, means perfect balance. Often times we hear people say "you are the yin to my yang." According to Cha Cha, powered by people,
The yin and yang represent all the opposite principles one finds in the universe. Under yang are the principles of maleness, the sun, creation, heat, light, Heaven, dominance, and so on, and under yin are the principles of femaleness, the moon.
So in relationships we should find balance. We cannot always have perfect situations but we can strive to find that middle, that balance. If you are working in your own life to better yourself and work toward goals you will be emotionally ready to be there and cheer on your significant other. In our relationships, we will then want what is best for our loved ones. We will want them to reach their goals and to be happy whether we are there or not.I will not be home for Valentine's Day this year but my husband understands the circumstances for which I am missing it. I missed our Anniversary last year but it is important to us that I spend time with my dad during these surgeries and recovery time. We always celebrate when I get back. My husband has my best interest at heart. He gets this balance.
My sis-in-law, Mom, and I were talking about the traditions of Valentine's Day yesterday. It's not whether you get a card, flowers or a card, dinner, and some extravagant gift. It is a day of love and affection. My Mom says dad isn't into all that tradition. She says it would be nice once in a while. Maybe he feels so bad most of the time he doesn't think about it. Possibly he/she isn't into all the frou frou. I look at the big picture. What's your SO like the rest of the year? Do they help at home, pay the bills with you, do a load of laundry, wash up in the kitchen, work hard, relax with, remember your birthday, go shopping with you, sit and talk, exercise with you, play with the kids, and so on? If not any of these things, I'd take a look at my personal mission statement. If so, show some love and affection. Don't wait for them to be first!
I am in my balance today. I was feeling a little squirrely last night. I had some anxiety over the possiblity that Dad may get worse with his gastro problems. I am supposed to leave next week on Saturday. I can find a ticket out on Air Tran on the 26th for $198.00 but that is the only ticket for days. I need to breathe and give it to God. He is in charge today. I have to remember there are things I have to do everyday to stay in balance. Pray, read devotions, talk to another alky, meeting, pray. Throw in some meds and food and I am good to go. I feel better just for reminding myself of this.
Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast,
it is not proud.
It is not rude, it is not self-seeking.
It is not easily angered,
it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil,
but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts,
always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails.
~I Corinthians 13:4-8~
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